
Laura Gamboa and her sexy curves enter the scene

머린코341(mc341) 2014. 8. 29. 12:49

Laura Gamboa and her sexy curves enter the scene


The time has come to introduce to you yet another hottie. The virtually unknown, yet super sexy Colombian model Laura Gamboa is here, making an entry on our hottie list and prancing about in some Lazur lingerie outfits. All models are hot, but I do love my self a toned, fit little babe once in a while, don’t you?


I’m sorry to say I have no clue or info on this babe, but the vital data is obvious: she’s damn hot! Laura seems to be designed in a laboratory, specifically for getting men down on the ground and kiss her feet. This incredibly sensual babe has got is all figured out: spread around a lethal dose of sex appeal and you will rule the world. And so she does, at least in my mind.


I’m not sure when and why would Laura Gamboa return, but I’m hoping that if and when she does I can tell you people our first couple of dates went perfect and that she’s now my girlfriend. Whatever happens, we at least get to enjoy her drool inducing curves in the photo-shoot below. Right? Check her out!