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Hanging with (CSAR) Combat Search and Rescue Squad. (21 HQ Photos)

머린코341(mc341) 2015. 1. 12. 17:22

Hanging with (CSAR) Combat Search and Rescue Squad. (21 HQ Photos)

For OPSEC reasons, I can’t tell you where they all were taken, but a little about my Squadron, we are one of the Dept of Defenses only dedicated Combat Search and Rescue Squadrons (CSAR), between us, the HH-60 Pave-Hawk, and the Guardian Angel Pararescue Jumpers (PJ’s) we make up what we affectionately call, “The Rescue Triad”. The HC-130J aircraft is a variation of the C-130 hercules, it is specially modified to carry extra fuel, the ability to refuel helicopters, and for a kick-ass sensor suite.


The HC-130J is also the newest aircraft in the Air Force inventory, we started taking shipment on them 2 years ago. So about what we do, we are a premier CSAR asset capable of operating unsupported in austere environments for extended periods of time. We fly blacked out NVG modified contour (we wear night vision goggles and fly at 500 feet above the ground), we can land at unprepared surface airfields (dirt) and have on board equipment that allow us to make instrument landings with no outside input. Basically, if you are familiar with aviation at all, we can fly ILS approaches with nothing but our onboard computer.


This lets us go into a lot of places where our bro’s have gotten shot up and get them out of harms way regardless of weather and the type of field. We also do helicopter refueling, flying at 110knots (about 120mph) with two helos sucking on our drogues. This speed is about 10 knots above our stall margin (meaning its very labor intensive to make sure we don’t stall the aircraft and crash for lack of airspeed). If you want any more info, or anything holla at me, and if you guys ever find yourselves in Tucson AZ, let us know, anyone from the Chive will receive a heroes welcome at our squadron bar.