
REME working on Apaches (28 HQ Photos)

머린코341(mc341) 2015. 2. 24. 11:36

REME working on Apaches (28 HQ Photos)


“I just returned from a pre deployment exercise where we lived in a tent for a month in a freezing part of the UK and did 24 hour shifts. Apparently it’s supposed to prepare us for a summer tour in Afghan! Still as soldiers do we found plenty to do to keep us amused and I thought I’d share some photos with you guys.

We’re a REME (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Enigneers) section attached to 4 Regement AAC (Army Air Corp) Unit. We fix, maintain and sometimes modify a fleet of Apache (on this exercise we had six) so that, in the UK, the pilots can keep up to date with their flying hours, or on operations, so they can provide much needed air support to our lads on the ground. It’s a pretty intense job at times but we still make sure to keep up the banter, and frequently have a laugh at each others expense!”