
If you’re going to fire it, you need to feel it: X26 Taser (44 HQ Photos)

머린코341(mc341) 2015. 4. 1. 19:13

If you’re going to fire it, you need to feel it: X26 Taser (44 HQ Photos)

 March 29, 2015

“TASERs can be deployed from a distance of seven to 15-feet, which allows a safe reactionary gap between the subject and the officer, thus reducing the risk of injury to both personnel during apprehension,” said Janousek. “The five-second cycle from the TASER allows the officer to approach the subject while he or she is incapacitated to quickly place them in handcuffs and take them into custody.”


Like all Airmen, safety is paramount to Defenders and all SFS Airmen receive training before being issued a TASER. Some volunteer to be ‘TASED,’ and receive the five-second exposure.


“Defenders receive a two-day training class,” said Janousek. “The first portion of training consists of learning all about the TASER, its effects, nomenclature, misuse and malfunctions when they deploy the TASER, as well as treatment after the TASER has been employed. They also must pass a written exam with a score of 80 percent or higher. Defenders will also receive hands-on training with the TASERs and will deploy four live cartridges during various training scenarios.”


X26 Taser training at the Fresno Air National Guard Base, March 19, 2015. The Taser training included experiencing the effects, as well as loading and firing a Taser.


미군 테이저건 교육

7 ft ~15 ft (2m~ 4.5m) 거리에서 발사하여 대상과 발사주체가 다치지 않고 안전하게, 대상을 체포할 수 있게 된다.

테이저건 5초 싸이클은 대상에게 접근해서 수갑을 채우고 체포할 수 있는 시간을 확보해준다.

첫번째 교육은 테이저건에 대한 이론, 효과, 명명법, 오남용, 오작동, 사용후 조치 등으로 구성된다.

필기시험도 보게되고 80점 이상을 받아야만 한다. 방어병력은 실습교육도 받고 기간동안 장차 다양한 시나리오에 따라 4개의 실제 카트리지를 지급받는다.

X26 Taser training

Fresno Air National Guard Base

2015/ 03/ 15

테이저 실습 교육 (장전, 발사, 효과체험 교육)


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출처 : 유용원의 군사세계, 귀곡자 님