Marines training around the world (150 HQ Photos)
“Photos from Pohakuloa Training area on the Big Island of Hawaii A staple of Hawaii Marine’s pure deployment training cycle. The Marines you see in the rocket launcher photos are of my Assault section conducting volley fires on a static (non moving) range on the Big Island.
Other photos include training with coalition forces (mostly New Zealand) and flight deck operations aboard the USS Essex. I am stationed on Marine Corps Base Hawaii, I’m an 0351 Assaultman with 1st Bn 3rd Marines Alpha Company Weapons Platoon.
Other photos are from training in the Mojave for evolutions for units deploying to Afghanistan. Also, photos of a small detachment of my Marines and I were tasked to go to Brunei Darussalam to help their soldiers train in urban combat.”
'★U.S. Marines > 미해병대 사진자료' 카테고리의 다른 글
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