"필리핀 최고 미녀는 바로 '나'"…미스 어스 선발대회
2016년 미스 어스 필리핀 선발대회
(마닐라<필리핀> EPA=연합뉴스) '2016년 미스 어스 필리핀(Miss Earth Philippines)' 선발대회 참가자들이 16일(현지시간) 마닐라의 한 호텔에서 열린 언론 공개 행사 중 포즈를 취하고 있다. 지구의 환경에 관심을 갖고 대회에 출전한 48명의 참가자들은 필리핀을 대표하는 '미스 어스'에 선발되기 위해 경쟁하게 된다. 한편 '미스 어스'는 환경보호의 경각심을 주제로 개최되는 국제 미인 대회이다. 대관식은 오는 6월 11일 열릴 예정.
Philippines Beauty Pageant
Contestants for this year's Miss Earth Philippines display environmental slogans as they are presented to the media by the poolside of a hotel, Monday, May 16, 2016, in Manila, Philippines. Forty-eight Filipino beauties from all over the country will vie for the title on June 11 and the chance to represent the Philippines in the Miss Earth 2016 which has a unique advocacy of saving Mother Earth. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
(160516) -- MANILA, May 16, 2016 (Xinhua) -- A candidate poses for photos during the Miss Philippines-Earth presentation in Manila, the Philippines, May 16, 2016. Forty-eight girls will vie for the 2016 Miss Philippines-Earth crown due on June 12. (Xinhua/Rouelle Umali) (zjy)
(160516) -- MANILA, May 16, 2016 (Xinhua) -- A candidate poses for photos during the Miss Philippines-Earth presentation in Manila, the Philippines, May 16, 2016. Forty-eight girls will vie for the 2016 Miss Philippines-Earth crown due on June 12. (Xinhua/Rouelle Umali) (zjy)
Philippines Beauty Pageant
Contestants for this year's Miss Earth Philippines pose as they are presented to the media by the poolside of a hotel, Monday, May 16, 2016 in Manila, Philippines. Forty eight Filipino beauties from all over the country will vie for the title on June 11 and the chance to represent the Philippines in the Miss Earth 2016 which has a unique advocacy of protecting the planet. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
epa05309378 Filipino beauty candidates perform a dance number during the media presentation of the Miss Philippines Earth 2016 held at a hotel in Manila, Philippines, 16 May 2016. A total of 48 environmentally aware and concerned Filipino young ladies will compete to represent the Philippines at the Miss Earth beauty pageant. Miss Earth is a pioneering beauty pageant that serves as a vehicle for environmental advocacy. Coronation night will be on 11 June. EPA/MARK R. CRISTINO
epa05309381 Filipino beauty candidates perform a dance number during the media presentation of the Miss Philippines Earth 2016 held at a hotel in Manila, Philippines, 16 May 2016. A total of 48 environmentally aware and concerned Filipino young ladies will compete to represent the Philippines at the Miss Earth beauty pageant. Miss Earth is a pioneering beauty pageant that serves as a vehicle for environmental advocacy. Coronation night will be on 11 June. EPA/MARK R. CRISTINO
epa05309384 Filipino beauty candidates wearing environmental statement sashes lineup during the media presentation of the Miss Philippines Earth 2016 held at a hotel in Manila, Philippines, 16 May 2016. A total of 48 environmentally aware and concerned Filipino young ladies will compete to represent the Philippines at the Miss Earth beauty pageant. Miss Earth is a pioneering beauty pageant that serves as a vehicle for environmental advocacy. Coronation night will be on 11 June. EPA/MARK R. CRISTINO
epa05309379 Filipino beauty candidates line up during the media presentation of the Miss Philippines Earth 2016 held at a hotel in Manila, Philippines, 16 May 2016. A total of 48 environmentally aware and concerned Filipino young ladies will compete to represent the Philippines at the Miss Earth beauty pageant. Miss Earth is a pioneering beauty pageant that serves as a vehicle for environmental advocacy. Coronation night will be on 11 June. EPA/MARK R. CRISTINO
Philippines Beauty Pageant
Contestants for this year's Miss Earth Philippines pose as they are presented to the media by the poolside of a hotel, Monday, May 16, 2016 in Manila, Philippines. Forty eight Filipino beauties from all over the country will vie for the title on June 11 and the chance to represent the Philippines in the Miss Earth 2016 which has a unique advocacy of protecting the planet. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
Philippines Beauty Pageant
Contestants for this year's Miss Earth Philippines display placards with environmental notes as they are presented to the media by the poolside of a hotel, Monday, May 16, 2016, in Manila, Philippines. Forty eight Filipino beauties from all over the country will vie for the title on June 11 and the chance to represent the Philippines in the Miss Earth 2016 which has a unique advocacy of protecting the planet. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
epa05309382 A Filipino beauty candidate walks past an artificial waterfall during the media presentation of the Miss Philippines Earth 2016 held at a hotel in Manila, Philippines, 16 May 2016. A total of 48 environmentally aware and concerned Filipino young ladies will compete to represent the Philippines at the Miss Earth beauty pageant. Miss Earth is a pioneering beauty pageant that serves as a vehicle for environmental advocacy. Coronation night will be on 11 June. EPA/MARK R. CRISTINO
[연합뉴스] 2016.05.17.
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