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Tomorrow’s Navy SEAL teaser

머린코341(mc341) 2017. 1. 22. 14:49

Tomorrow’s Navy SEAL teaser

It’s time for the ChiveFit Challenge.

 What better way to spruce-up a fitness post topic than with a high-res gallery about the physical demands of becoming a Navy SEAL.

However I have a bit of a dilemma. I managed to collect too many kick-a** photos of their grueling training.

My plan is to break the photo collection into 2 post topics.

The first one will be an over-view of the 6-month long “BUD/S” weeding-out process that each candidate has to complete to become a Navy SEAL.

If the term “BUD/S” has no meaning to you, check out the post and you’ll learn about the entirety of the process.

On the other hand, if you know what the abbreviation BUD/S means…I’m guessing you’ll enjoy some of the high-res photos.

The second post gives advice from an actual Navy SEAL on how to prepare for BUD/S.

Using a SEAL’s own words, he gives “10 tips to surviving Hell Week”.

Both galleries should be pretty interesting; I hope you guys find time to check ’em out.

Over 3,000 Chivers have joined the #ChiveFit challenge and you can to! Our Military Chive Nation chapter started a team and you can join them by signing up right here. Make Chive Nation your accountability buddy and stay strong on those resolutions through the new year!

[thechive] 2017.01.11.