
'군복에도 빛나는 비주얼' 케이트 업튼이 해병대에 간 이유는?

머린코341(mc341) 2017. 8. 25. 11:43

'군복에도 빛나는 비주얼' 케이트 업튼이 해병대에 간 이유는?


美해병대 훈련 참여한 케이트 업튼
(디트로이트<美미시간주> AP=연합뉴스) 22일(현지시간) 미국 해병대 기념 주간을 맞아 미시간주 디트로이트의 훈련장을 방문한 모델 겸 배우 케이트 업튼(왼쪽)이 해병대 장비를 착용해보고 있다. 미국프로야구(MLB) 디트로이트 타이거즈의 투수 저스틴 벌렌더의 약혼자인 업튼은 다른 선수들의 아내들과 함께 훈련에 참여했다.


People Kate Upton
Model and actress Kate Upton and Detroit Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander try on a Marine ruck to raise awareness for Marine Week, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017, in Detroit. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)


'오늘은 나도 해병대원'
(디트로이트<美미시간주> AP=연합뉴스) 22일(현지시간) 미국 해병대 기념 주간을 맞아 미시간주 디트로이트의 훈련장을 방문한 모델 겸 배우 케이트 업튼(가운데)이 해병대원들과 훈련을 받고 있다. 미국프로야구(MLB) 디트로이트 타이거즈의 투수 저스틴 벌렌더의 약혼자인 업튼은 다른 선수들의 아내들과 함께 훈련에 참여했다.


People Kate Upton
Model and actress Kate Upton takes part in a "workout with the Marines" to raise awareness for Marine Week, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017, in Detroit. Upton, fiance of Detroit Tigers pitcher and Wins for Warriors founder Justin Verlander, and other Tigers Wives participated in a scaled-down workout led by Gunnery Sergeant Sara Pacheco to help support and promote the 2017 Wins for Warriors Patriot Ruck, taking place Saturday, Sept. 9 in Detroit. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)


People Kate Upton
Model and actress Kate Upton takes part in a "workout with the Marines" to raise awareness for Marine Week, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017, in Detroit. Upton, fiance of Detroit Tigers pitcher and Wins for Warriors founder Justin Verlander, and other Tigers Wives participated in a scaled-down workout led by Gunnery Sergeant Sara Pacheco to help support and promote the 2017 Wins for Warriors Patriot Ruck, taking place Saturday, Sept. 9 in Detroit. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)


People Kate Upton
Model and actress Kate Upton takes part in a "workout with the Marines" to raise awareness for Marine Week, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017, in Detroit. Upton, fiance of Detroit Tigers pitcher and Wins for Warriors founder Justin Verlander, and other Tigers Wives participated in a scaled-down workout led by Gunnery Sergeant Sara Pacheco to help support and promote the 2017 Wins for Warriors Patriot Ruck, taking place Saturday, Sept. 9 in Detroit. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)


People Kate Upton
Model and actress Kate Upton takes part in a "workout with the Marines" to raise awareness for Marine Week, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017, in Detroit. Upton, fiance of Detroit Tigers pitcher and Wins for Warriors founder Justin Verlander, and other Tigers Wives participated in a scaled-down workout led by Gunnery Sergeant Sara Pacheco to help support and promote the 2017 Wins for Warriors Patriot Ruck, taking place Saturday, Sept. 9 in Detroit. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)


[연합뉴스] 2017.08.24