80 Incredible Helicopters in Flight Photos
Helicopters are pretty incredible. I still to this day have no clue how something so heavy can be so nimble and create enough lift to float in the air. Here are 80 awesome photos of helicopters doing cool helicopter stuff. Enjoy!
'★군사무기·장비 > 헬리콥터' 카테고리의 다른 글
China’s light attack helicopter: Harbin Z-19 (54 HQ Photos) (0) | 2015.06.06 |
MV-22 Ospreys getting dirty in Count Draculas mainland (23 HQ Photos) (0) | 2015.06.03 |
Jump in an AH-64 with the “Ghostriders” (28 Photos) (0) | 2015.05.24 |
Some cool RAF helicopter pics (38 HQ Photos) (0) | 2015.05.15 |
Firepower with the BO-105 (46 HQ Photos) (0) | 2015.05.14 |