
러시아 해군, 소련 붕괴 이후 최대 규모 군사퍼레이드

머린코341(mc341) 2017. 7. 31. 19:50

러시아 해군, 소련 붕괴 이후 최대 규모 군사퍼레이드

푸틴, 페테르부르크 퍼레이드 참가해 50여 척 군함 사열
(모스크바=연합뉴스) 유철종 특파원 = 러시아 해군이 30일(현지시간) '해군의 날'을 맞아 소련 붕괴 이후 최대 규모의 군사 퍼레이드를 펼쳤다.

타스 통신 등에 따르면 이날 해군 퍼레이드는 러시아 제2도시 상트페테르부르크를 비롯해 서부 역외영토 칼리닌그라드, 극동 블라디보스토크, 크림반도 인근 수역에서 거행됐다.

블라디미르 푸틴 대통령은 상트페테르부르크 퍼레이드에 직접 참석해 도심을 흐르는 네바 강과 핀란드만을 따라 도열한 약 50척의 함정과 잠수함을 사열했다.

사열에 참가한 러시아 군함 [타스=연합뉴스]

세르게이 쇼이구 국방장관, 블라디미르 코롤료프 해군사령관 등과 함께 소형 순시함에 오른 푸틴은 도열한 군함들을 따라 이동하며 각 군함의 승조원들에게 해군의 날을 축하하는 인사말을 건넸다.

푸틴은 사열 뒤 축사에서 "오늘날 러시아 해군은 전통적 임무를 수행할 뿐 아니라 테러리즘과 해적활동에 맞서 싸우며 새로운 도전에 대응하고 있다"고 치하했다.


퍼레이드 예행연습에 참가한 러시아 군함 [타스=연합뉴스]

이날 상트페테르부르크 퍼레이드에는 북해함대 기함(旗艦)인 2만5천t급 핵미사일 순양함 '표트르 벨리키', 4만8천t급 핵미사일 잠수함 '드미트리 돈스코이', 7천500t급 구축함 '쿨라코프 중장함' 등을 비롯해 발트함대·흑해함대·태평양함대·카스피해 소함대 소속 해군도 참가했다.

해군 퍼레이드는 러시아 서부 역외 영토 칼리닌그라드 연안의 발트해, 러시아가 우크라이나에서 병합한 크림반도 인근 흑해, 극동 블라디보스토크 인근 해역 등에서도 열렸다.

이밖에 러시아 해군이 운영 중인 시리아 타르투스 기지 인근 지중해에서도 퍼레이드가 펼쳐졌다.

퍼레이드 예행연습에 참가한 러시아 군함 [타스=연합뉴스]

러시아가 옛 소련 시절부터 운용해온 타르투스항의 타르투스 물자기술지원기지는 시리아 서부 라타키아의 흐메이밈 공군기지와 함께 내전에 빠진 바샤르 알아사드 시리아 정권을 지원하는 러시아군의 전초기지 역할을 하고 있다.

러시아 해군은 푸틴 대통령의 명령에 따라 앞으로 매년 7월 마지막 일요일에 대규모 퍼레이드를 펼칠 예정이다.

해군 퍼레이드는 매년 5월 모스크바 붉은광장에서 진행되는 제2차 대전 승전 기념 군사 퍼레이드와 함께 막강한 러시아의 군사력을 대내외에 과시하는 행사가 될 전망이다.

러시아는 2014년 우크라이나 사태 발발 이후 서방과의 관계가 '제2의 냉전' 수준으로 악화한 뒤 군사력 증강과 과시에 각별한 신경을 쓰고 있다.

[연합뉴스] 2017.07.30


러시아 해군, 소련 붕괴 이후 최대 규모 군사퍼레이드

러시아 해군, 상트페테르부르크 퍼레이드
(상트페테르부르크 AP=연합뉴스) 30일(현지시간) 러시아 상트페테르부르크에서 소련 붕괴 이후 최대 규모의 해군 군사 퍼레이드가 열린 가운데 군함들이 네바 강을 따라 이동하고 있다. 이날 퍼레이드는 상트페테르부르크를 비롯해 칼리닌그라드, 블라디보스토크, 크림반도 인근 수역에서도 거행됐다. sjh940214@yna.co.kr (끝)

Russian Navy veterans celebrate Russia's Navy Day in Saint Petersburg on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / OLGA MALTSEVA

해군 퍼레이드 참석한 푸틴 대통령
(상트페테르부르크 AP=연합뉴스) 30일(현지시간) 러시아 상트페테르부르크에서 소련 붕괴 이후 최대 규모의 해군 군사 퍼레이드가 열린 가운데 사열을 마친 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령이 행사장을 나서고 있다. 이날 퍼레이드는 상트페테르부르크를 비롯해 칼리닌그라드, 블라디보스토크, 크림반도 인근 수역에서도 거행됐다. sjh940214@yna.co.kr (끝)

Russian Navy frigates fire missiles during Russia's Navy Day celebration in Sevastopol in Crimea on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / STRINGER

(170730) -- VLADIVOSTOK, July 30, 2017 (Xinhua) -- A naval vessel attends the naval parade in Amurskiy Liman, near Vladivostok, Russia, July 30, 2017. Russia held naval parade in Amurskiy Liman to celebrate the Navy Day on Sunday.(Xinhua/Wu Gang) (zxj)

epa06117182 Russian anti-sabotage boat 'Grachenok' takes part in the Russian Navy Day parade on Neva River in St. Petersburg, Russia, 30 July 2017. Traditionally the Russian Navy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in July. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV

epa06117144 Russian President Vladimir Putin (3-L bottom row) greets the crew of the Steregushchiy class corvette Stoikiy as he attends the naval parade during the Navy Day celebration at the Neva River in St. Petersburg, Russia, 30 July 2017. EPA/ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICHENKO / POOL

Russian sailors stand in attention on a military vessel carring a replica of a boat of Peter The Great during a Naval Military Parade for Russia's Navy Day in Saint Petersburg on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Alexander Zemlianichenko

Russian President Vladimir Putin, (3L bottom row), greets the crew of Steregushchiy Class Corvette 'Stoikiy' as he attends the naval parade for Russia's Navy Day in Saint Petersburg on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Alexander Zemlianichenko

Russia Navy Day
A Russian Navy vessel rides along Neva river taking part in the naval parade during the Navy Day celebration in St.Petersburg, Russia, on Sunday, July 30, 2017. unidentified (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, Pool)

epa06117183 Russian Frigate 'Admiral Makarov' takes part in the Russian Navy Day parade on Neva River in St. Petersburg, Russia, 30 July 2017. Traditionally the Russian Navy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in July. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV

Russian sailors stand on the deck of a Nanuchka class Corvette 'Geyser' during a Naval Military Parade for Russia's Navy Day in Saint Petersburg on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / OLGA MALTSEVA

Russian naval sailors march during Russia's Navy Day celebration in Sevastopol in Crimea on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / STRINGER

Russia Navy Day
Russian President Vladimir Putin, center, and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, left, arrive to attend the military parade during the Navy Day celebration in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Sunday, July 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, Pool)

Russian naval sailors march during Russia's Navy Day celebration in Sevastopol in Crimea on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / STRINGER

Russian naval sailors stand to attention as they attend Russia's Navy Day celebration in Sevastopol in Crimea on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / STRINGER

Russia's President Vladimir Putin looks on as he attends a ceremony for Russia's Navy Day in Saint Petersburg on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / SPUTNIK / Alexey NIKOLSKY

Russia Navy Day
Russian President Vladimir Putin, center, and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu arrive to attend the military parade during the Navy Day celebration in St.Petersburg, Russia, on Sunday, July 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, Pool)

Russia Navy Day
Russian President Vladimir Putin, 3rd left bottom row, greets the crew of the Steregushchiy class corvette Stoikiy as he attends the naval parade during the Navy Day celebration in St.Petersburg, Russia, on Sunday, July 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, Pool)

Russia Navy Day
Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the military parade during the Navy Day celebration in St.Petersburg, Russia, on Sunday, July 30, 2017. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu is at right. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, Pool)

epa06117201 Russian President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin (C) speaks on the Admiralty Embankment in St. Petersburg ahead of the Main Naval Parade marking the Navy Day in St. Petersburg, Russia, 30 July 2017. EPA/ALEXEI NIKOLSKY / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) chats with Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Vladimir Korolev as they attend the military parade for Russia's Navy Day in Saint Petersburg on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Alexander Zemlianichenko

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) speaks with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu as they attend a ceremony for Russia's Navy Day in Saint Petersburg on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / Alexander Zemlianichenko

Russian President Vladimir Putin (C), Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (2nd L) Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Vladimir Korolev (R) and Commander of Western military district Andrei Kartapolov (L) arrive to attend a ceremony for Russia's Navy Day in Saint Petersburg on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / OLGA MALTSEVA

epaselect epa06117167 Pussian President Vladimir Putin attends a naval parade in St. Petersburg, 30 July 2017. Traditionally the Russia Navy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in July. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a ceremony for Russia's Navy Day in Saint Petersburg on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / OLGA MALTSEVA

Russian naval veterans walk to watch a Naval Military Parade during Russia's Navy Day parade in Saint Petersburg on July 30, 2017. President Vladimir Putin oversaw a pomp-filled display of Russia's naval might as the Kremlin paraded its sea power from the Baltic Sea to the shores of Syria. Some 50 warships and submarines were on show along the Neva River and in the Gulf of Finland off the country's second city of Saint Petersburg after Putin ordered the navy to hold its first ever parade on such a grand scale. / AFP PHOTO / OLGA MALTSEVA

Russia Navy Day
A boat with Russian President Vladimir Putin rides along Neva river as he attends the naval parade during the Navy Day celebration in St.Petersburg, Russia, on Sunday, July 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, Pool)

[연합뉴스] 2017.07.31